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Social Contract Theory Essay

The state of society is only achievable through a sense of order. Using this understanding, Jean-Jacques Rousseau formulated a theory that later came to form the basis for democracy in the modern day society. Rousseau dispels the theory of the jungle in which every man existed for himself. According to him, this age characterized by anarchy and mayhem existed way back before man got a sense of civilization but even then the nature of human relationships could not have permitted the existence of such an age. He thus formulated the theory of social contract, which has become relevant to this day. This theory espouses extensively on the type of relationships that exist in societies between the civilians themselves and the civilians and the ruling class.

According to the theory, in search of order and direction people come together and give authority to single figure within them through election. This figure thus controls them and instills order and peace in the society. The need for the single figure or institution is informed by the understanding that not everyone in the society can possibly have the authority at any one time. Such a state may result in a jungle society, which he had initially dispelled. The people therefore sign social contracts with their leaders who accept the terms of engagement and lead for a specified duration before an assessment and replacement of the ineffective leaders1.

This theory results in a servant leadership type of governance, one in which the leader accounts for his every move. To control both the elected representatives and the rest of the civilians, the people formulate a constitution. This supreme document explains the type of social structure in the society and the nature of governance policies that the elected leaders execute. The constitution further defines the type of relationship that exists between every member of the society. It begins by allocating every person in the society equality before the law.

Both the elected leaders and the civilians have equal rights and have similar values in respect to the law. This equality instills a sense of respect for the value of life that every person enjoys. The rights are further elaborated on the bill of rights with the underlying need for longevity of human life and fundamental fulfillment of the life privileges. In this the constitutions explain the rights and freedoms of the population and the responsibility tagged along every right. This ensures that the right and freedom enjoyed by one do not inconvenience or cause harm to the other.

In the servant leadership type of society, the elected leaders owe their authority and the privileges they enjoy to the masses. The authority therefore flows from the populace through the leaders back into the society. The elected leaders represent the people and in doing this they address the issues affecting the people amicable and hold the society together by ensuring security of both the people and their property. In return the people respect and show affection to their elected leaders. Besides these, the people set a side special privileges that the elected leaders enjoy thereby marking a difference between the leaders and the rest of the society. In most cases, the leaders enjoy increased security2. This is in the form of body guard and psychological security attainable through effective remuneration and adequate housing.

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