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SATs or High School Exit Essay Sample

Standardized tests are tests that are administered with the results achieved on a regular, or standard way. These tests are designed in a manner such that questions asked, administering format, scoring formula, and understanding of concepts is consistent, (Geek 1). Standardized tests have constituted part of American education since 1880s with proposers articulating that the tests are fair and are an objective measure of a student’s achievement. They also believe that teaching to test is good since it means focusing only on critical contents and skills, ( Pro Con 2). Standardized tests should not be used to determine students’ performance in the future college program since they do not actually represent the students’ intelligence.
I. Standardized tests may be biased.
A. These tests are unfair to students from diverse backgrounds and ability levels.
This is because they are designed to answer questions meant for children from a particular privileged background.
B. Students opting to learn English language are required to undertake English tests before mastering the language.
II. Standardized tests do not improve student’s achievements
A. Research carried out by the National Research Council in 2011 revealed that no test-based incentive programs were functional, ( Pro Com 2).
B. Tutors and policymakers have failed to use test-based incentives to attain positive results on achievement and improvement of education.
III. Standardized tests only assess a small segment of what makes education significant
A. Standardized tests cannot be used to measure qualities such as critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, daring, honesty, empathy, patience, motivation, self-awareness, integrity, resilience, reliability and self-discipline.
B. These constitute some of the essential qualities required in an individual absent in standardized tests, ( Pro Con 4).
IV. Standardized tests are not objective
A. The scores attained by students taking these tests vary due to skewed decisions made during the test design and administration.
B. A mere alteration of the design can drastically affect the performance depending on those favored and singled out.
V. Too much testing trains children to be excellent at taking tests; however, it does not prepare them for a productive future.
A. Standardized tests force schools to prepare their students adequately for the tests failing to take an interest on other important issues.
B. The students fail to understand important issues affecting their lives such as the economy and social life, ( Rooks 8).

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