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Education coursework

1. Introduction:

Fellow students and teachers, my name is Michael Moore. I am twenty one years old and I am stationed at New York Child Care Center, and I live in Brooklyn. I have developed numerous interests outside the academic life. These include; travelling, sightseeing, charity work, playing football, watching movies and rock climbing.

2. Why did you decide to take this course and what do you hope to gain from it before the semester is over?

I decided to take Education due to various reasons. These include: living a lifetime of amplified chances. That is to say, the education course shall provide me with increased job opportunities, flexibility with the jobs that I decide to take any chances to get promotions. Secondly, the course shall not only provide me with salary with which to meet my bills, but, it shall act as a tool to empower me as an agent in life. It shall provide me with understanding and knowledge on the things that affect my life on a daily basis. It will, therefore, empower me in various manners on how to gain control of life logistics.

Thirdly, the course will offers me the opportunity to gain the ability to find resolutions to all adversities and shall make me viable in the job market. This means that, at the end of my studies, the course will come in useful in facing life curves and shall open more doors in the future. Lastly, the course will enable me to lead a more evaluated existence, in that; it will endow with me with reasoning and critical analysis skills. It will also enable me to perform as an agent of change for others by being able to serve others.

At the end of the semester, I hope to achieve the following objectives. First, to enhance my comprehension and knowledge on child care during the various developmental stages in life. This implies that the course will enable me to understand the various educational needs of children at various stages, thereby, enabling me to fathom what a child requires for holistic development.

Secondly, I will have the knowledge and ability on how to provide a fostering and a loving condition for the young learners. Thirdly, I will learn to utilize the resources at my disposal efficiently, creatively and constructively in order to provide the learners with all the things needed for better development.

Fourthly, I will learn how to make sure that the national consistency of the program is adhered to at all child care and educational centers. This is achievable through the understanding of the necessities and importance of child development and education.

Fifthly, the course will enable me to develop inquisitiveness, appreciation, ethical and moral standards, and creative intellect in young learners. Lastly, at the end of this semester, I will learn the various ways of enhancing the provision of a child’s personal requirements and abilities, and also learn to create positive sense of worth through social interfaces, as well as self-assurance and comprehension of the environment in which a child resides.

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